November 2013 DSI Meeting – Baltimore

Dr. Sampson will be presenting a session titled “Teaching Service Innovation using PCN Analysis” at the November 2013 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting in Baltimore.

The session will be Saturday, November 16th, from 8:30-10:00am.

During the session he will introduce his new (and exciting) service design and innovation case:  Malawi’s Pizza Catering.  He will also bring some copies of his book, Essentials of Service Design, to distribute at the session (he asks for $10 to help cover production costs).

Here is an description of the session…

It is relatively easy to teach new product development (NPD), which is an exacting science with systematic approaches and tools. On the other hand, new service development (NSD) has not been well defined and lacks systematic approaches and tools. Shostack’s Service Blueprinting tool has been popular for use in service design, but with limitation in identifying and analyzing innovation opportunities. This session will show how to teach service innovation using a new tool, PCN Analysis, which was designed to overcome limitations of blueprinting and other incumbent NSD approaches. PCN Analysis, or Process-Chain-Network Analysis, documents service processes that span networks of entities and breaks down processes into fundamental components. A PCN Analysis technique called strategic process positioning is used to explore innovations that move process steps between and across borders of entities. The innovative potential of PCN Analysis is demonstrated through a case study.

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