Essentials of Service Design and Innovation (Fourth Edition)
In this book, Dr. Sampson describes a powerful tool for service design and innovation called Process Chain Network (PCN) Analysis. The PCN Analysis tool enables service designers to document service operations, uncover system deficiencies, identify strategic improvements, and systematically explore innovation opportunities. This book presents PCN Analysis in a logical way with examples of application in education, healthcare, financial services, retail, entertainment business, and other industries. PCN Analysis provides a structured and rigorous approach to service design, leading to truly insightful results.
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- also available from Amazon Germany or other websites.

Understanding Service Businesses
This book is intended to be a textbook and guide to students desiring an solid understanding of planning and managing service businesses. It covers 52 topics of service management such as strategic planning, capacity planning, human resource management, service marketing, service quality assurance, and service failure recovery. Each section of the book includes questions for managers as well as analysis exercises, to assist the reader in applying the principles of the book to actual business situations. The book is a tremendous hands-on guide to service management, and an effective basis for an interesting Service Management course.
- Preview the book online.
- Order the book from (about US$35).
- Beware about ordering used versions, since the book contains tear-out exercises that may be missing.
Managing Supply Chain and Operations
Dr. Sampson is a co-author of the textbook, “Managing Supply Chain and Operations: An Integrative Approach,” published by Pearson Higher Education. He specifically contributed the material on service supply chains, service design, and service innovation.