November 2014 DSI Meeting – Tampa

Dr. Sampson will be presenting a workshop titled: Teaching Service Design in an OM/SCM Course: The best two sessions of the semester!

The session will be on Monday 24 November 2014 from 8:30 to 10:00am in room 7 (First Floor of the Tampa Convention Center).

Do you teach an Operations Management or a Supply Chain Management course?  This session will show you how you can use a case – Malawi’s Pizza Catering – to teach service design in an engaging and systematic way.

Here is the workshop description:  Students love topics that they feel are relevant and are confident they can apply in their careers. Service design can be a highlight of your OM/SCM course. Students at all level are familiar with service operations by very course of living. Service design techniques show students how to document a service operation, analyze operating characteristics, and identify opportunities for process improvement. This workshop will show how you can easily teach two sessions on service design in an engaging way.

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