Professor Sampson teaches various courses on Service Design and Innovation at BYU and other universities in Europe and Asia. Below are videos from an MBA Customer Relationship Management class (session on Service Performance Measurement) and an undergraduate class (session on Lean Services), both covering topics from the book, Essentials of Service Design and Innovation.
Here are some highlights of some of his past course offerings…
Courses at Brigham Young University
MBA Customer Relationship Management: Service Design and Innovation
A 14 week course for MBA students.
CRM is “A business strategy that maximizes profitability, revenue and customer satisfaction by organizing around customer segments, fostering behavior that satisfies customers, and implementing customer-centric processes.” (Gartner Group) This course covers methods and principles for effective management of customer relationships and interactions. We will learn how to analyze customer-interactive processes and how to facilitate customer roles and customer value. We will also study methods for strategically redesigning customer relationships to achieve increased satisfaction and decreased costs. This includes identifying and evaluating opportunities for service innovation. One aspect of CRM is technology (so-called “CRM Systems”). We will discuss the application of technology in customer service design, although this is not a CRM technology course. Click here to see the original syllabus for the Winter 2014 offering.
EMBA Analysis & Design of Services: Tools for Operational Excellence & Innovation
A six-session course for working professionals.
The majority of business school graduates work in service industries and functions, even though traditional business school education focuses on making and selling physical products. There are many tools for designing world-class products. But, what tools do you have for designing world-class services? This course answers that question, demonstrating and applying methods for service process improvement and innovation. We will study examples from various service businesses such as healthcare, technical support, financial services, education, retail, hospitality, entertainment, and others. The course will provide valuable skills to managers and decision makers in all types of service businesses and functions. Click here to see the syllabus for the March 2014 offering.
Service Management
A 14 week course for undergraduate students.
This is a hands-on course for undergraduate students studying business. Students are required to select a service business to study throughout the course. Entrepreneurship students can study a hypothetical new business venture of their choosing. Each week, students will learn service design and management principles and have the chance to apply them in their chosen business. In class we discuss how to apply principles in a wide variety of businesses, and how that can lead to world-class service an tremendous customer loyalty. Click here to see the syllabus for the Winter 2014 offering.
Videos of some class sessions
Courses taught in Europe
Cambridge University Judge Business School MBA Program
MBA elective: Managing Service Operations Description...
In the developed world, most workers are engaged in delivering services rather than in producing goods. In many ways, service delivery is more difficult due to the involvement of customers in the operating processes. Customers can be a great asset to productions, but sometimes can be incompetent or disruptive. If services are to be well managed, service processes need to cope effectively with customers and the variation they induce. In this course you will learn how to design and manage service operations to provide increased customer value and greater profit potential. We will address topics such as service quality assurance, service labour management, and service innovation.
Pforzheim University – MBA International Management
Customer Relationship Management: Service Design and Innovation Building Relationships Description...
The foundation of any business activity is relationships–between providers, suppliers, partners, customers, and so forth. This elective reviews fundamental skills of building relationships such as understanding value, planning roles and responsibilities, co-producing, and building service networks. Through effective relationship building we are able to produce greater value with fewer resources.
University of Exeter One Planet MBA
Customer Focused Organizations Description...
Dr. Sampson teaches a module on Designing Great Services.